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I would like to submit a request for an improvement in how email counts are calculated for your plans.
Currently, when a client exceeds 500,000 emails per month, they are required to move to the Premium plan.
However, this email count is calculated per account, rather than per domain.
This method allows a situation where, within the same account, if one domain exceeds 500,000 emails per month while other domains stay under this limit, the client is not required to upgrade to the Premium plan.
For instance, if a client has two domains—Domain A sending 800,000 emails and Domain B sending 200,000 emails—the total remains under 1,000,000, and no upgrade is necessary for Domain A, despite exceeding the 500,000 threshold.
This creates an unfair situation for clients who subscribe to the Premium plan for a single domain, as others can bypass the upgrade by using multiple domains under lower-tier plans like Plus or Basic.
Switching to a domain-based email count would not only make the system more equitable, but also simplify management for us as your clients.
We would greatly appreciate your consideration of this request.