User, Admin or Account Creation via email invitation 📧

Platform **Admins and MSSP account admins** can be invited to the platform via email invitation. **1.** To invite a new *Admin*, please go to the Administration > Admin Management page and click **Create** button. Then select Email Invite and fill out the required fields. **2.** To invite a new *Customer Account*, please go to the Customer Management page and click the **Create** button for both existing and new accounts. Then select Email Invite and fill out the required fields. **3.** If you are a Main User of an account, you can invite a new *sub-User*. Please go to the Settings > Manage Users page and click the **Create** button. Then select Email Invite and fill out the required fields. The emails are sent to the mentioned email addresses with a link to login to the appropriate account. The hyperlink expires after **24 hours**. The appropriate users and admins can see the list of invited emails by clicking the View Invites button next to the **Create** button. The list will display the pending, expired and canceled email invitations: * You can cancel or edit the invitation * You can resend the invitation if it is canceled or expired * You can delete the invitation and the appropriate account will be deleted as well.